Buongiorno ragazze! Io sono a scuola, voi?
Qualche sera fa, il mio fidanzato ha festeggiato il suo 18 anni, io ero emozionatissima, la location meravigliosa!
Quindi ho scelto di indossare un abito da sera bianco e nero,lungo con due spacchi, cucito dalla bravissima sarta Laura Rita De Luca, sempre gentilissima!
Ci tenevo a mostrarvelo, anche se con poche foto purtroppo!
Che ne pensate?
Un bacio!
Good morning girls! I'm at school, you?
A few nights ago, my boyfriend celebrated his 18 years, I was excited, the wonderful location!
So I chose to wear an evening dress black and white, along with two slits, stitched by the talented seamstress Laura Rita De Luca, always very kind!
I wanted to show it, although with a few pictures, unfortunately!
What do you think?
A kiss!
A few nights ago, my boyfriend celebrated his 18 years, I was excited, the wonderful location!
So I chose to wear an evening dress black and white, along with two slits, stitched by the talented seamstress Laura Rita De Luca, always very kind!
I wanted to show it, although with a few pictures, unfortunately!
What do you think?
A kiss!